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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How quickly will I get Urgent Fungus Destroyer and how will it be shipped?

When you order today, Urgent Fungus Destroyer will be shipped to your home or office within 7 business days by UPS/FedEx or USPS.

Q: How long after taking Urgent Fungus Destroyer will I feel the full effects?

We recommend giving the product a trial run of at least 90 days for best results, but you should be feeling its effects within 7 days.

Q: When should I take Urgent Fungus Destroyer?

As a dietary supplement, adults take two capsules daily with water.

Q: Is it safe?

Urgent Fungus Destroyer is as safe as a daily multi-vitamin. It is not a medication. It’s a natural product that is safe to use for healthy men and women. However, if you currently have a medical condition or are taking medication, I would show a bottle to your doctor or pharmacist before taking. Pregnant women and youth under 18 should not use.

Q: What are the ingredients in Urgent Fungus Destroyer?